---------------------Member of Board---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blog is about my life, what is strongly influenced by wakeboarding, snowboarding and all which are around of these.
The first competition of the season 2012 in SunPark!
I was little bit late and I hadn't warm up, then there wasn't qualification runs just straight one final run. So I was the first time in the water in final.
Normally I need good warm up etc..., but today it worked this way.))
I made almost all what I wanted to do.))
Waiting of final! Downy soft shoes are my secret to keep foot warm before final run.
Aku Hypmaheh = Aki Nurminen )))
Maybe I will get some riding photos to here later...
Seven full riding days in Hip-Notics are behind and it's difficult to continue normal life again.
I met so great people, weather and riding were awesome!
The first a few pictures of my riding... thanks to Anna Moskal for photo shooting.
I have met Jamie Smith (LWA team rider) already 3 times during my trips; Thaiwakepark, Singapore Ski360 and now in Hip-Notics, but only now I got to know him better and how great guy and good trainer he is! He actually gave me about 1,5 years ago tips, how to make railey in TWP, before that I made it only in swimming pool.
He is enough tight trainer and put people really to do what is necessary. Unfortunately he broke his finger during that week, but he was riding awesome also by one hand.
This English gentleman is really one reason to go to Hip-Notics! The girls also know it!
Jamie trained also manager of Hip-Notics Baris Ozoral to make railey.
Baris and the first railey!
Check the video of railey of Baris below!
Then the next will be Duran Kaban...
Cut of Duran Kaban is already in order only the last step still missing.
If you heard in Hip-Notics; "See you tomorrow!" then you have met Duran!
Duran has all elements to become movie star in Hollywood!!))))
I met my friend Konuralp again almost after one year. Now he "feels" railey and will soon make it.))
Regards to everybody who were in Hip-Notics, hope to see you again and soon!
On Saturday 5th of May was official opening of Sunpark Wake Cable in St. Petersburg!
I went to watch and shoot photos only; I will go to Turkey Hip-Notics 6th of May and my stuff are already packed. Also this cold water and weather didn't tempt me.
When I was driving to the park was raining and temperature +9°C, but then sun came and made everybody happy.)) We measured also temperature of water and it was also +9°C.)))
There were a few guys riding and a lot of respect to them!
2 kickers
Step up rail by Sergey Morovshik! ...and yes frame will be covered!
At the moment there is not more obstacles, but Soon there is!
The most of the Unit obstacle parts are waiting already in the water to put them together and to right places.
I'll not tell what all kind of obstacles there will be... go to check... or find out later from my blog, I will make photo tour when these are installed.
... and then little bit fashion review of this spring!)))
Some really stylish people came to watch opening!
9+ points (very good harmony and jeans are working well in this kind of happening)
9 points (black and white are working always)
7 points (these sneakers don't work with camo pants))))DD
8 points (cool sportman look works in this kind of happening))))
8 points (Curt Cobain look works as well sometimes)
10 points goes to Sergey (totally right choice to this happening)))DD
Every month I'll publish new page for 2012 calendar. Save it, print it and tape to your wall! ;-)))))
It was the last day of April and so nice weather!
I went to ride by my new longboard to 300 Years Park in St Petersburg. Board was rolling so well and no sand or granules on the surface.
Anyway I had to get up to wide stony handrail and ride top of it.)))
New "Zenith" stadium in backround... or carcass of it.
Unfortunately I have not photos from jump and landing of this drop.))))