Like I wrote busy weekend with contests and on Sunday it was Toksovo Cup.
Toksovo is my favorite place, I have started my wakeboarding there. This is now 3rd year when they have reverse cable and nowadays they have there already 3 home made cables.
Cables are very long and moving a lot when you're jumping from kickers. This makes it really difficult, especially spins.
Air tricks are quite easy to make near of the starting place, there cable is tight and high.
Format was so that 4 air tricks by one cable and then by other cable was possible to make 2 times kicker and 2 times slider. I took part in Masters category.
Me and S-bend to blind, which I unfortunately made only in qualifying run. |
Free training session |
Denis Suhanov and S-bend. |
Ilya Parshin and railey. (Junior) |
Faruk Ishmurzin and massive Crail |
Faruk and double S-bend |
My runs went well, I didn't fall down any run and cable didn't stop any time during my runs, so flow was good.
My run in final:
Air tricks: Front flip with indy, Sw backroll to revert, Toeside railey, S-bend (in final I couldn't turn it to blind)
Obstacles: Nosepress and to blind out, Tantrum, Scarecrow with mute, Sw gap 270 to tailpress.
I made everything clean and big.
Some pics from my run:
My S-bend |
My nosepress |
My tantrum |
Scarecrow with mute |
Sw gap 270... to tailpress... |
...tailpress after sw gap 270 |
I was second!
Winner Vladimir Vorobev had stronger flat because of one blind trick.
His air tricks: Sw railey grypt, Backroll to blind, Frontflip, Sw backroll
His obstacles: Sw 50/50 on slider, Scarecrow, Straight air with indy, board slide.
My oppinion is that there wasn't so big effect to points, what you did on obstacles.
Anyway I got nice presents from sponsors of happening: HYBRID, RADICAL SPORT, ХОЛОДОВЬ DENTIST
Free teeth cleaning etc... in Volodov Dentist and 5000 rouble from Hybrid Board Shop.
I was really happy for my riding, because it was totally clean and especially my qualifying run, when I did also big and clean S-bend to blind.))
Juniors: 1-киреев никита 2-паршин илья 3- овсяников леша
Women: 1-ишмурзина эля 2-рогачева алена 3-иванова анастасия
Masters: 1-воробьев владимир 2-нурминен аки 3-кожевников денис
Open men: 1-гамаюнов ал-р 2-киреев никита 3-ишмурзин фарук
Toksovo Family |