---------------------Member of Board---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blog is about my life, what is strongly influenced by wakeboarding, snowboarding and all which are around of these.
I started my trip from Amsterdam, I was there a few days. I flew from Amsterdam via Istanbul to Bangkok.
Again I saw by my own eyes how my board got to the plane.
In Istanbul was terrible snow storm and all flights were late. My was only 3 hours so I got quite well out from there. There were lot of people whose flight were delayed 9 hours etc...
I arrived to ThaiWakePark on Friday 3pm and got to ride 2 hours. I had 1½ month break from riding, so I felt quite tired after traveling.
Weekend was coming and normally there is quite long queue in TWP, so we decided to leave with girls to Koh Samed island for Sat and Sun.
Trip from TWP 210km and 2½ hours by mini bus. (one way for whole group =65€)
Here is our group, who left from TWP to island. Entrance to island is 200baht, but polices were nice and kids like Anna and Max didn't have to pay.)))
Of course island was nice. I was just shooting photos and getting rid of jet lag.
Wakeboard-trained backs...
... more trained backs!
We had small birthday party of Julia.
Anna and Regina
Okay it's time to go back to business to TWP and Christmas Eve.
We spent it riding and chilling... some Christmas costumes etc...
Achtung Kabel organized contest of "the best slam clip" and my slams won it!!
Lots of thanks to Anna Moskal,
she filmed and edited this my clip.
I was traveling and didn't even know about this "slam clip contest" and it was really nice surprise to get know that I won!! Prize was Liquid Force Lyman 139 cm board from shop MTB.RU www.MTB.ru
These slams are from Singapore and Bangkok last winter (February and March 2012).
Now it's funny to watch, but quite painful when all these happened.))D
Somehow I like to cut my back edge, but if you don't fall down, you're not trying enough!
If you haven't seen clip yet, enjoy here:
Achtung Kabel is film project of Free Films. Check it: http://achtungkabel.ru/english.html
Free Films is an independent media studio from Moscow and they made like a documentary about the boom of cable wakeboarding in Russia.
Pavel Polyakov producer Free Film and Achtung Kabel
I was joining the first night of Achtung Kabel film in St. Petersburg, it was really spectacle in Russia, having a tour around the Russia. http://moskalanna.blogspot.fi/2012/05/blog-post_18.html
Name Achtung Kabel wants to highlight roots of cable wakeboarding, it's in Germany.
Free Films and Achtung Kabel: Keep going and Thanks!!
Thanks also riders who were voting me!!