одна неделя в Сингапуре позади. Мне очень понравилось!
One week riding in Singapore is behind. Have to say that I really liked!
длина лебедки 650 м. 5 пилонов, 8 кареток, магазин, душевые кабинки туалет и локкеры
вода соленая морская и жжет руки
Ski 360 Cable facts: Length 650m, 5 pillars, 8 carriers, Proshop, lockers with toilets and showers.
Cable park is situated to East Coast in Singapore.
Water in the lagoon is salt water from the ocean and it's quite harmful for hands.
в будние дни райдеров нет, нет очереди, и довольно часто лебедку останавливают при падении чтобы можно было стартовать с воды на следующей каретке
на выходных очередь есть, но все равно не такая как в Тае.
Кабель не самый высокий, но выше чем в Москве или Уккохалле.
Легко делать трюки с флета и все фигуры. кикеры оочень большие! сначала я подумал что так кажется после кикера в бассейне, но в Тайланде кикеры в 2 раза меньше! Сам трамплин правильный, но можно так высоко улететь, что больно приземляться.
During weekdays no people at all, so no queue and quite often they even stopped the cable when you fell and you can start from water by next handle. In weekends there are more people, but not at all like e.g. in TWP.
Cable is not the highest one, but much higher than Moscow or Ukkohalla. Easy to make air tricks and also easy to ride to all obstacles. Kickers are REALLY big, in the beginning I thought it feels only so after swimming pool, but I'm writing this in ThaiWakePark and must to say that kicker in Singapore are 2 times bigger than in Thai. Shapes of the kickers are right, but you can get so unreal big air that it's difficult to land.
фотоотчет по фигурам:
Let's make small virtual tour with photos:
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Starting place (normal Rixen with ticket barcode reader) |
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Round starts by BIG Kickers! White one they call "iceberg" and it's even bigger than huge blue kicker. Photos are not telling real size.)) |
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Wall ride! My favorite it's inside and it was easy to make different tricks. (e.g. Switch 270 in with tailpress and 270 out) |
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Dragon (outside of the cable)! It is nice easy slider and then jump out with some tricks. |
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Before the first pillar is still one kicker without radius. |
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Then after 3 pillars there are inside easy tabletop slider and outside more difficult narrow slider. |
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The last obstacle is fun box outside of the cable, there is also inside small kicker without radius. |
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This is the last pillar before starting point and the place where is the best to make all air tricks. |
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Lake is lagoon and especially made for cable park. Around the lake is concrete edge and it's easy to walk along it back to starting point. |
билеты дорогие, но если вы привыкли к ценам в россии, то ок)) те же деньги что вы потратите за неделю каталки в С. можно потратить за 3 недели катания в Тае.
Riding tickets are expensive, if you compare it to other Asia. If you used to Russian prices those are okay.))
Same money what you spend in Singapore during one week for living and riding you can have 3 weeks in Thailand.
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1 Singapore Dollar (SGD) = 0,59€uro = 23,30 Russian Rouble (RUB) My choice was 1 week unlimited pass 300SGD (2 weeks 450SGD) |
Погода все время теплая, но иногда сильные дожди благодаря которым фигуры мокрые))
можно легко сгореть, т.к. из=за облаков не чувствуешь жары. Рекомендую лайкру с длинным рукавом. я уже в тайланде но пока не могу кататься в полную силу из-за травмы после сильного падения в Сингапуре.
Weather was always warm, sometimes cloudy what was really welcome, I didn't want direct sun shine. Couple times even some rain showers, which really made air fresher (...and obstacles wet))). Sunburn can surprise, because you don't necessary notice danger when sun is behind the clouds. I burnt very badly in the first day even that I used UV-filters (50). I recommend long sleeve lycra for riding.
можно легко сгореть, т.к. из=за облаков не чувствуешь жары. Рекомендую лайкру с длинным рукавом. я уже в тайланде но пока не могу кататься в полную силу из-за травмы после сильного падения в Сингапуре.
Weather was always warm, sometimes cloudy what was really welcome, I didn't want direct sun shine. Couple times even some rain showers, which really made air fresher (...and obstacles wet))). Sunburn can surprise, because you don't necessary notice danger when sun is behind the clouds. I burnt very badly in the first day even that I used UV-filters (50). I recommend long sleeve lycra for riding.
I'm already in Thailand TWP and the first riding day behind. I'm recovering still from very bad slam which I had the last day in Singapore, I even passed out for a moment. It's in video and maybe will be published here in my next update.))
Enjoy your holiday! Greetings from Nokia