Thursday, February 26, 2015

Holiday in paradise

Every year/winter since 2010, I have been 1-2 times a year in Thailand for holiday, what is mostly wakeboarding.
I'm traveling a lot, because of my work. I’m spending lot of time on route... airports, hotels etc..., but when I have a holiday or my own time, I want to go somewhere, but not hanging around everywhere and use holiday just for traveling or being on route. For me it's quite okay to stay even only in one place and just relax with wakeboarding and friends. Just peaceful breakfasts, chilling and riding with good company. Enjoying the moment!

Following picture looks really like taken in paradise! I mean how normal/usual people think, how paradise should look like.)))
Regina and her daughter in paradise TWP Thailand (photo by me)
In the picture are my good friend Regina and her daughter in Thai Wake Park (Bangkok). It could be really from some holiday catalog. Travel agencies are tempting people by these kind of pictures.  I know this picture looks more beautiful and more paradise than what it is in reality in TWP, but this kind of view is possible to find there, this picture proofs it.
For me Thai Wake Park is like a paradise even that it's just 50 km to north from Bangkok, no ocean and it's just middle of rice fields.
I have a few paradises, where I’m visiting regularly, here I would like to mention Hip-Notics in Turkey and Thai Wake Park in Thailand.

What does affect the most to my decisions; where to spend next holiday or free time?
I have started skateboarding in the mid 80s, turning to snowboarding early 90s and wakeboarding from 2010. Different boarding genres are for me a lifestyle, these are lifestyle sports, but I don't want to use just word; sport.
Also you can understand, if I was skateboarding in the mid 80s....  =writer is quite old fart!))
...but these things affect to my decisions!

Me in paradise Hip-Notics Turkey (photo by Artem Ermakov)
I have met similar people around the world, people who has some passion to something what they are doing.
If you have really big passion for something e.g. some of these different boarding genres, you can be or become really good on it.
If you're still young or started it when you were young and you're also talented, you have all possibilities to become professional or even one of the bests in the world, ...but to become one of the bests or professionals is not target for all of us... and it shouldn't be!!!

I have noticed that there are 3 groups of people inside boarding genre... or something between these groups.)))

  • The first are professionals who are so good and they have so strong passion that boarding became a job. Opposite to the other groups, when they have a holiday, they have a rest from boarding.)))
  • The second are lifestyle boarders who are spending their all free time and money to boarding. They are riding in their own level and having mostly fun. Some of them are focusing to become professionals someday.))
  • The third group are people who are riding sometimes weekends and when it's good weather. For them it's good  hobby. This is important and biggest group, because this group is actually indirectly paying wages of professionals. The biggest volume and affect in terms of money is coming to the genre from this group.

Me in paradise TWP Thailand (photo by Anna Moskal)
Of course there are always people between these groups. I don’t like categories, but here I tried to find something and analyze a bit.

This was also process to me understand myself some answers to questions what some people are asking from me; what are your targets, why are you doing it, don’t you have anything else to do, are you little bit a boring guy?))))

Target is to have a fun, yes I don't want to do anything else and yes I'm boring guy for you!)))
Me in paradise: Hotlake in Italy (photo by Anna Tyurnina)
Don’t take this text too seriously, I just wrote up some thoughts what I’ve seen and heard, hoping that normal people could understand a bit better and avoid some misunderstandings, what passion to these things can bring e.g. to relationships when focus differs.
Comments and opinions are welcome please leave something!)))
Me in paradise TWP Thailand (photo by Wojtek Kalka)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/12/15 17:39

    its a very beautiful place for enjoy holidays. My metro Taxi operates a fleet of SUV´s town cars and Metro Airport taxi, All the vehicles are inspected, licensed by the City of Detroit and fully insured to operate through Michigan.
