Saturday, May 26, 2012

SunPark season opening wake contest

The first competition of the season 2012 in SunPark!
I was little bit late and I hadn't warm up, then there wasn't qualification runs just straight one final run. So I was the first time in the water in final.
Normally I need good warm up etc..., but today it worked this way.))
I made almost all what I wanted to do.))

Waiting of final!
Downy soft shoes are my secret to keep foot warm before final run.

Aku Hypmaheh = Aki Nurminen )))
Maybe I will get some riding photos to here later...


  1. may be u should add what tricks u did)

  2. Anonymous27/5/12 23:15

    Yeah! Agree with Anya !

  3. Bs3, Transfer to back boardslide on funbox, noseboardslide, s-bend, sw270 gap to tail backboardslide, frontflip (mistakenly I did 2nd. s-bend), scarecrow with mute grab.
